Palm Bell™ Hand Weight Exercises

We provide Palm Bell™ hand weights as an optional accessory item to the Resistance Chair exercise system. Palm Bell weights are soft, flexible hand weights that offer an easy-to-grip alternative for people with arthritis, or for people who have trouble gripping the cable handles. The strap-on weights are soft and very safe, since the strap keeps the Palm Bell™ weights securely fastened to the hand during exercise. Palm Bell weights also come with an air pump so that you can inflate them to the desired firmness level to allow a comfortable fit in your hand.

Presented below are exercises that you can do with Palm Bell hand weights while in your Resistance Chair™ exercise system. Next to the name of each exercise, we have indicated the target muscle groups that are affected. Realize that most of the exercises that you can do with the Resistance Cable™ exercise cables can also be done with the Palm Bell weights.

IMPORTANT: The exercises presented here are provided only as suggestions that may or may not apply to your particular health condition and fitness level. We strongly recommend that you consult with your phycisian before beginning this, or any other, exercise program. We also advise that you seek the help of your physician and personal trainer to develop a customized workout regime that considers your specific physical condition and your fitness goals.
Overhead Press: (shoulders and triceps) Sit up straight with your back arched (fig. A). Begin with your hands close to your shoulders and press straight up with both arms together until your arms are fully extended above your head (fig. B). Slowly ease your hands back to the starting position and repeat 8 to 15 times.
Bicep Curl: (biceps) Sit upright at the edge of the chair with your arms close to your knees (fig. A). Pull your arm up, bending at the elbow, and keep the rest of your body stationary (fig. B). Keep your palms facing up and your wrists locked. Lower your arms slowly to the starting position, maintaining resistance on the way down, and repeat 8 to 15 times.
Lateral Raises: (shoulders) Sit up at the front portion of the seat and keep your back straight. Beginning with your arms extended out and down at your sides (fig. A), raise your arms to your sides, while keeping the elbows straight and wrists locked (fig. B). Make sure that your palms remain facing down throughout the exercise and return your arms slowly down to your sides with each repetition. Repeat 8 to 15 times.
Front Raises: (shoulders) Sit with your back up straight and both arms down (fig. A). Pull the Palm Bell weights up, keeping your arms extended straight out in front of you (fig. B). Bring your arms up as high as possible and very slowly return to the starting position while maintaining resistance on the return portion of the exercise. Repeat this movement for 8 to 15 repetitions.
Tricep Extension: (triceps) While sitting upright with your back straight, start with your arms bent and your elbows pointed upward (fig. A). Extend the Palm Bell weights upward until your arms are locked and keep your elbows as stationary as possible (fig. B). Slowly move your hands back to the starting position and maintain resistance in both directions as you repeat this exercise for 8 to 15 repetitions.
Bent Row: (back and shoulders) Bend over the chair and support yourself with one hand while placing one knee on the chair seat (fig. A). Pull straight up on the Palm Bell weight so that your hand ends up near your chest and your elbow points up (fig. B). Keep your torso steady during this routine and avoid jerking your body as you pull the weight up. Repeat 8 to 15 times with each arm.
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