Resistance Chair Exercises

Before you begin strength-building routines with your Resistance Chair™ exercise system, make sure the Chair is on a solid, level surface, and always make sure to fasten the cable anchor lock securely onto the anchor assembly base before putting any tension on the anchor resistance cables. And remember to always keep your wrists locked firmly during the exercises. Do not flex your wrists.

IMPORTANT: The exercises presented here are provided only as suggestions that may or may not apply to your particular health condition and fitness level. We strongly recommend that you consult with your phycisian before beginning this, or any other, exercise program. We also advise that you seek the help of your physician and personal trainer to develop a customized workout regime that considers your specific physical condition and your fitness goals

You can perform each of the following exercises with your Resistance Chair™ system. You do not necessarily need to perform these exercises in the order that they are presented. The target muscles groups affected by each exercise are identified in parentheses next to the name of each of the following exercises.
Chest Press: (chest and triceps) Sit upright with your back against the PostureProp™. Make sure the Resistance Anchor Cable™ exercise cables are positioned under your arms for this exercise. Starting with your hands close to your shoulders (fig. A), press straight out with both arms simultaneously until your arms are straight in front of you and fully extended (fig. B). Slowly ease your hands back to the starting position, maintaining resistance on the return as well as the press. Repeat 8 to 15 times and remember to keep your wrists locked firmly throughout the movement.
Overhead Press: (shoulders and triceps) Sit up straight with your back arched and pressed against the PostureProp™ (fig. A). Begin with your hands close to your shoulders and press straight up with both arms together until your arms are straight up above your head and fully extended (fig. B). Slowly ease your hands back to the starting position, maintaining resistance on the return portion of the exercise. Repeat 8 to 15 times.
Incline Press: (upper chest and triceps) Sit up straight with your back arched and pressed against the PostureProp and the exercise cables positioned under your arms. With your hands close to your shoulders (fig. A), press forward and upward at an approximate 45-degree angle (fig. B) until your arms are fully extended, then return slowly to the starting position. Repeat this exercise for 8 to 15 repetitions.
Bicep Curl: (biceps) Sit with your back upright and pressed against the PostureProp and your arms close to your knees (fig. A). Pull your arm up, bending at the elbow, and keep the rest of your body stationary (fig. B). Keep your palms facing up and your wrists locked. Lower your arms slowly to the starting position, maintaining resistance on the way down. Repeat for 8 to 15 repetitions.
Ab Crunch: (stomach) With the upper Resistance Anchor Cable™ exercise cables extended over your shoulders, interlock your fingers in front of your chest by pulling the two handles together (fig. A). Bend at your waist and pull against the cables (fig. B), which isolates the resistance on your stomach muscles. Bend forward as far as comfortably possible then return slowly to the starting position. Repeat this for 10 to 15 repetitions.
Lateral Raises: (shoulders) Sit up with your back straight and resting against the PostureProp. Beginning with your arms down at your sides (fig. A), raise your arms to your sides, keeping the elbows as straight as possible (fig. B). Keep your palms facing down throughout the exercise and return your arms slowly down to your sides with each repetition. Repeat this movement for 8 to 15 repetitions.
Front Raises: (shoulders) This exercise begins in the same position as in the Lateral Raise (fig. A), with both arms down at your sides and your back upright. Pull the cables up, keeping your arms extended straight out in front of you (fig. B). Bring your arms up as high as possible and very slowly return to the starting position while maintaining resistance on the return portion of the exercise. Repeat 8 to 15 times and remember to keep your back straight.
Tricep Extension: (triceps) While sitting upright with your back straight, start with your arms bent and your elbows pointed upward (fig. A). Extend your arms until they are pointed up while keeping your elbows as stationary as possible (fig. B). Slowly move your hand back to the starting position and maintain resistance in both directions as you repeat this exercise for 8 to 15 repetitions.
Bent Row: (back and shoulders) Begin this exercise by bending over and supporting yourself with one hand and one knee on the chair seat (fig. A). Pull straight up on the lower cable so that your hand ends up near your chest (fig. B). Keep your torso steady during this routine and try not to jerk with your body as you begin each repetition. Repeat 8 to 15 times with each arm.
Knee Bend: (thighs) Begin this exercise by standing at one side of the chair and holding the Balance Bar with one hand (fig. A). Bend your knees and squat down while keeping your upper body upright and perpendicular to the ground (fig. B). Slowly raise your body back into the fully upright position. Repeat 8 to 15 times.
Front Step: (thighs and calves) With the Health Step™ locked onto the back legs of the chair, stand behind the chair with both hands on the Balance Bar and face forward. Step up with your right foot (fig. A), then step up with your left foot (fig. B). Once both feet are on top of the Health Step, step down with your right foot, then your left. Repeat 8 to 15 times with each leg, alternating from one foot to the other.
High Kick: (thighs and stomach) First verify that the Health Step™ is locked onto the back legs of the chair. Face the chair at an angle while holding the Balance Bar with your right hand and stepping first with your right foot (fig. A). With your right foot on the Step, kick your left knee up (fig B). Bring the knee back down to the Step, then move off the Step with your left leg first and then your right. After 10 or more repetitions repeat the exercise in the opposite direction, kicking up with your right foot.
Side Step: (thighs and muscles on side of stomach) Once you have locked the Health Step™ onto the back legs of the chair, stand sideways on the Step and steady yourself by holding the Balance Bar (fig. A). Slowly raise one leg (fig. B) and then bring it back down to the starting position. After completing 8 to 12 repetitions of this exercise, turn the opposite direction and repeat the routine with your other leg.
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